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pekerja bangunan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pekerja bangunan"
  • pekerja:    employee; laborer; labourer; toiler; worker;
  • bangunan:    building; buildings; edifice; merlon;
  • pekerja:    employee; laborer; labourer; toiler; worker; employee, employee; hand; servant; proletarian; actor; functionary; mazdoor; handmaid; doer; hired man; handmaiden; staff; working man; official; workman
  • bangunan:    building; buildings; edifice; merlon; construction; house; place; structure; hut; shanty; dwelling; shack; fabric; erection; center; barrack; centre; home; squat; hutch; sliver
  • absennya pekerja:    labour turnover
  • analisis pekerja:    worker analysis
  • anjing pekerja:    working dog; working dogs
  • cadangan pekerja:    labour reserve
  • daftar pekerja:    work list
  • dewan pekerja:    workers' council
  • ekologi pekerja:    work ecology
  • haiwan pekerja:    working animal; working animals
  • hak pekerja:    labor rights
  • hari pekerja:    international workers' day; labor thanksgiving day
  • hewan pekerja:    working animal; working animals
  • My family were home builders... my father, his father.
    Keluargaku adalah pekerja bangunan... ayah ku, ayahnya.
  • He admitted killing those men at the construction site.
    Kau tahu kalau dia Membunuh pekerja bangunan ?
  • Have you met many stonemasons, My Lord?
    Apakah anda sdh bertemu dg banyak pekerja bangunan, Tuan ku?
  • We should be looking at plumbers, steamfitters, tool workers
    ..di tukang pipa, steamfitters, atau di pekerja bangunan..
  • Let's get this gunk off this construction worker.
    Ayo kita pisahkan ini dari pekerja bangunan.
  • In 1874, construction workers discovered the footprints.
    Tahun 1874, sekelompok pekerja bangunan menemukan jejak tersebut.
  • Can't say I've ever met a literate stonemason.
    Boleh dibilang aku jarang bertemu dg Pekerja Bangunan ber pendidikan.
  • Those factory guys hung out at a bar after work.
    Para pekerja bangunan bercengkerama di bar sepulang kerja
  • He's not just a construction worker, Dad.
    Dia bukan pekerja bangunan biasa, ayah.
  • That guy is not a construction worker.
    Pria itu bukan pekerja bangunan.
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